Eggleton, Ian R.C. A Benchmarking Methodology for the Australian Water Industry. UWRAA Research Report 77, Urban Water Research Association of Australia, 1994.
Admiraal, Remco J. and Jan G. van Helden. Benchmarking in the Dutch Waste-Water Treatment Sector. Public Money & Management, Vol. 23, pp. 113-118, April 2003.
Berg, Sanford. The Art and Science of Benchmarking. Paper presented on conference on Global Developments in Water Industry Performance Benchmarking September 29, 2003, in Perth, Australia. Public Utilities Research Center (PURC).
Berg, Sanford, and Lynne Holt. Scorecards for Utilities and Regulators. Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida (published April 2002, Water21).
London Economics. Benchmarking and Economic Performance of Australian Urban Water Authorities. UWRAA Research Report 93, Urban Water Research Association of Australia, 1995.
Love, S., H.S. Bunney, M. Smith; B.G. Dale. Benchmarking in water supply services: the lessons learnt. Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology 5, no. 1 (1998): 59, 1998.
Coelli T., Estache A., Perelman S. and Trujillo L. A Primer on Efficiency Measurement for Utilities and Transport Regulators. WBI Publications, World Bank. Washington D.C. 2003.
Lavado, R, Benchmarking the efficiency of electricity cooperatives using stochastic frontier analysis and DEA, Asian Public Policy Program, Hitotsubashi University, mimeo, 2004.
Resende, M. Relative efficiency measurement and prospects for yardstick competition in Brazilian electricity distribution, Energy Policy, 30, 637-647, 2002.
Whiteman, J.L. Benchmarking developing country electricity systems, Asia-Pacific Economic Review Cambridge University Press, Canberra, Australia, 3, 71-78, 1995.
Mohammad A. Mustafa. Benchmarking Regulators: Making Telecom Regulators More Effective in the Middle East. Public Policy for the Private Sector. Note Number 247. World Bank, Washington, DC. June 2002.
Monitoring & Evaluation
Kristof De Witte, Rui C. Marques, Designing incentives in local publicutilities, an international comparison of the drinking water sector(See attached file: International comparison water 17-01.pdf)
Hatry, Harry P. Performance Measurement: Getting Results. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press, 1999
Khan, M. Adil . A Guidebook on Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation: Key Concepts, Issues and Applications. Monitoring and Progress Review Division, Ministry of Plan Implementation, Government of Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2001
Kusek, J. Z. and R. C. Rist. Building a Performance-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System: The Challenges Facing Developing Countries. Evaluation Journal of Australasia. 1(2): 14–23, 2001.
Prennushi, G., G. Rubio, and K. Subbarao. Monitoring and Evaluation. In Sourcebook for Poverty Reduction Strategies . Washington, D.C. The World Bank, 2000.
Ravallion, Martin. The Mystery of the Vanishing Benefits: Ms. Speedy Analyst’s Introduction to Evaluation. Policy Research Working Paper 2153, World Bank, Development Economics Research Group, Washington, D.C., 1999.
Worthen, Blaine R., James R. Sanders, and Jody Fitzpatrick. Program Evaluation: Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines, 2nd Edition, White Plains, NY, 1997.
Website based Tools and Manuals
The Gateway to Development Information (eldis), Methods, Tools and Manuals. This site contains range of guidelines and manuals to help development practitioners in carrying out participatory M&E.
The M and E News – the M and E News is a news service focusing on developments in monitoring and evaluation methods relevant to development projects with social development objectives.
USAID, Center for Development Information and Evaluation – USAID’s Center for Development Information and Evaluation (CDIE) publishes a wide range of impact evaluations, program and operational assessments, managing for results reports, performance monitoring tips and the USAID Evaluation News.
World Bank, Impact Evaluation – This site aims at disseminating information and providing resources for people and organizations working to assess and improve the effectiveness of projects and programs aimed at reducing poverty.