Sharing Results

Partners are encouraged to share their data with their peers on IBNET. This might mean exchanging data on a “one-on-one” basis, sharing information through a national professional body, trade association, or utility research center, or placing the data on the utility’s home page. In addition, the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) at the World Bank will be pleased to receive data from partners in the industry using the completed IBNET forms.

The preferred method of sharing data is, however, through national (professional), water supply and sanitation associations, regulatory agencies, research institutes, or other agencies working directly with utilities. This approach will rely on a national body to issue the Toolkit to their members, to compile the data, to undertake quality assurance, to make the full results available to their members and to present the core indicator set to a broader public.

Utility managers should have free access to the data for their country so that they can make detailed comparisons with their peers and identify areas for improvement. Within the confines of the water supply and sanitation association, it is expected that data will be made freely available in attributable form. Managers can then seek out their better performing counterparts and learn what actions were taken to achieve improved performance.

National associationsregulatory and other agencies can be a clearing house for performance information within their country. They will share that information privately with their members, and will present the core indicator results, publicly, on their website (See Figure 1).

Figure: Data Flows and Presentation of Core Indicators


International comparisons will also be important to establish performance relative to utilities in other countries. The goal is to achieve this through a network of “national nodes” where the core indicator results are presented on the web pages of the participating national associations. The web sites will be linked to other national association sites around the world where the same indicators will be presented, in the same format, thus allowing international comparisons to be made quickly and easily.

To encourage this method of working, IBNET is looking to partner with national and regional associations to make this approach a reality. A suite of supporting resources will be made available to appropriate organizations including copies of the IBNET Toolkit, a database which will abstract data directly from the data capture system, calculate the indicators and prepare the charts, and link to other “national nodes” around the world.

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