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Base de datos de búsqueda IBNET

La base de datos de tarifas de IBNET
La Red Internacional de Comparaciones para Empresas de Agua y Saneamiento - IBNET
The International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation (IBNET) is the direct access to the largest database of global information on the performance of water and sanitation companies.
IBNET supports and promotes good practice comparison between water and sanitation services by:
Advice on indicators, definitions and methods of data collection;
Collaboration in the creation of national or regional schemes comparison;
The comparisons desempeo of peer groups;
Building links between companies, associations and utility regulators
Nuevos datos de Lesotho, Zanzibar (Tanzania), Uganda and Rwanda (2015-2016). 2017 actualizaciones tarifarias para 370 empresas.
Nuevos datos de Tanzania, Armenia, y Kazajstán (2014-2016). Actualizaciones tarifarias para 600 empresas.