IBNET Partners


  • ADERASA – is the association of water and sanitation regulators from the countries of Latin America. The ADERASA benchmarking group has established a successful benchmarking network for most of the countries in South America and have developed a benchmarking manual that describes indicators used in this network.
  • EAP Task Force of OECD – The Environmental Action Programme (EAP) Task Force brings together environment policy-makers from Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and donor countries, as well as international institutions active in the region. The EAP Task Force supports and promotes the development of benchmarking in water utilities. The EAP Task Force is co-chaired by the European Commission, together with an Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asian country on a rotating basis.
  • SEAWUN – South East Asia Water Utilities Network – Performance Benchmarking for South East Asian Water Utilities
  • WRc – Water Research Centre is one of the key partners in the establishment of the IBNET website. WRc has been working on developing knowledge, understanding and practical application of water and wastewater performance indicators and benchmarking processes.
  • WSP – The Water and Sanitation Program is an international partnership of the world’s leading development agencies concerned with improving sector policies, practices and capacities to serve poor people. WSP goal is to alleviate poverty by helping the poor gain sustained access to water and sanitation services.
  • WUP – The water Utility Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa (WUP) is a joint Programme initiated by the Union of African Water Suppliers (UAWS) and the Regional Centre for Low Cost Water and Sanitation (CREPA) and the Centre for Training, Research and Networking for Development (TREND). Though established in 1995, the programme was launched in 1996 with the support of the World Bank. The basic idea leading to the creation of WUP is to build a partnership among African Water Supply and Sanitation Utilities (WSSUs) and other key sector institutions, to create opportunities for sharing of experiences and capacity building.


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