Бенчмаркинг предприятий водоснабжения и водоотведения
Методология |
- Alegre, H., W. Hirner, J.M. Baptita, and R. Parena (editors). Performance Indicators for Water Supply Services. International Water Association, 2000.
- AWWA. Benchmarking Performance Indicators Report for Water & Wastewater Utilities. American Water Works Association.
- Brueck, Terrance. Developing and Implementing a Performance Measurement System for a Water/Wastewater Utility. Water Intelligence Online, 2005.
- Eggleton, Ian R.C. A Benchmarking Methodology for the Australian Water Industry. UWRAA Research Report 77, Urban Water Research Association of Australia, 1994.
- Matos, R., Ashley, R., Cardoso, A., Molinari, A., Schulz, A., Duarte, P. (editors). Performance Indicators for Wastewater Services. International Water Association, 2003.
- Parena, R., E. Smeets, and I. Troquet. Process Benchmarking in the Water Industry. International Water Association, 2002.
- World Bank, Benchmarking Water and Sanitation Utilities: A Start-Up Kit. World Bank. Washington, D.C., 1999.
- World Health Organization, Tools for assessing the O&M status of water supply and sanitation in developing countries. WHO/SDE/WSH/00.3, Geneva, 2000
- Yepes, Guillermo, and Augusta Dianderas. 1996. Water & Wastewater Utilities Indicators: 2nd Edition, Water and Sanitation Division, World Bank, Washington D.C.
Анализ |
- Admiraal, Remco J. and Jan G. van Helden. Benchmarking in the Dutch Waste-Water Treatment Sector. Public Money & Management, Vol. 23, pp. 113-118, April 2003.
- Association of Dutch Water Companies (VEWIN). Reflections on Performance 2003: Benchmarking in the Dutch Water Industry. 2005 (English section, French version of this report is also available).
- Berg, Sanford. The Art and Science of Benchmarking. Paper presented on conference on Global Developments in Water Industry Performance Benchmarking September 29, 2003, in Perth, Australia. Public Utilities Research Center (PURC).
- Berg, Sanford, and Lynne Holt. Scorecards for Utilities and Regulators. Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida (published April 2002, Water21).
- Berg, Sanford V., and Chen Lin. 2005. Consistency in Performance Rankings: The Peru Water Sector. Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida.
- Corton, Maria Luisa. Benchmarking in the Latin American Water Sector: the case of Peru. Utilities Policy 11 (2003); 133-42, 2003.
- Estache, A. and Eugene Kouassi. Sector organization, governance, and the inefficiency of African water utilities, Volume 1. World Bank Working Research Paper, No.2890, Washington D.C., 2002.
- Kingdom, Bill and Vijay Jagannathan. Utility Benchmarking: Public Reporting of Service Performance. Public Policy for the Private Sector, Note Number 229. World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2001.
- Lin, Chen. Incorporating Service Quality into Yardstick Regulation: An Application to the Peru Water Sector. Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida, 2005.
- Lin, Chen. Service Quality and Prospects for Benchmarking: Evidence from the Peru Water Sector. Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida, 2005.
- London Economics. Benchmarking and Economic Performance of Australian Urban Water Authorities. UWRAA Research Report 93, Urban Water Research Association of Australia, 1995.
- Love, S., H.S. Bunney, M. Smith; B.G. Dale. Benchmarking in water supply services: the lessons learnt. Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology 5, no. 1 (1998): 59, 1998.
- Mugisha, Silver, Sanford V. Berg, and William T. Muhairwe. Using Internal Incentive Contracts to Improve Water Utility Performance: The Case of Uganda’s NWSC. Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida. (forthcoming, Water Policy), 2005.
- Ofwat. International Comparison of Water and Sewerage Service: 2005 report. Ofwat, 2005.
- Sabbioni, Guillermo. Econometric Measures of the Relative Efficiency of Water and Sewerage Utilities in Brazil. Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida, 2005.
- Stahre, Peter and Jan Adamsson. Performance Benchmarking – A Powerful Management Tool for Water and Wastewater Utilities.
- Tynan, Nicola and Bill Kingdom. A Water Scorecard: Setting Performance Targets for Water Utilities. Public Policy for the Private Sector, Note Number 242. World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2002.
- Webb, Michael and David Ehrhardt. Improving Water Services through Competition. Public Policy for the Private Sector Number 164. World Bank, Washington D.C., 1998.
Бенчмаркинг прочих предприятий
Многоотраслевой бенчмаркинг |
- Coelli T., Estache A., Perelman S. and Trujillo L. A Primer on Efficiency Measurement for Utilities and Transport Regulators. WBI Publications, World Bank. Washington D.C. 2003.
Bogetić, Željko and Fedderke, Johannes W.International Benchmarking of South Africa’s Infrastructure Performance, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3830, February 2006
Электроснабжение |
- Domah, P. Technical Efficiency in Electricity Generation—The impact of smallness and isolation of island economies, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, CMI working paper 14, 2002.
- Estache A., Rossi M. A., and Ruzzier C.A. The Case for International Coordination of Electricity Regulation: Evidence from the Measurement of Efficiency in South America. Working Paper 2907. World Bank, Washington, D.C., October 2002.
- Jamasb T. and Pollitt M.G. International Utility Benchmarking and Regulation: An Application to European Electricity Distribution Companies. Working Paper 0115. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 2002.
- Jamasb, T., P. Nillesen, M.G. Pollitt. Strategic Behaviour Under Regulation Benchmarking. DAE Working Paper 312. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, January 2003.
- Lavado, R, Benchmarking the efficiency of electricity cooperatives using stochastic frontier analysis and DEA, Asian Public Policy Program, Hitotsubashi University, mimeo, 2004.
- Resende, M. Relative efficiency measurement and prospects for yardstick competition in Brazilian electricity distribution, Energy Policy, 30, 637-647, 2002.
- Whiteman, J.L. Benchmarking developing country electricity systems, Asia-Pacific Economic Review Cambridge University Press, Canberra, Australia, 3, 71-78, 1995.
Телекоммуникации |
- Mohammad A. Mustafa. Benchmarking Regulators: Making Telecom Regulators More Effective in the Middle East. Public Policy for the Private Sector. Note N
Мониторинг и Оценка
- Kristof De Witte, Rui C. Marques, Designing incentives in local public utilities, an international comparison of the drinking water sector
(See attached file: International comparison water 17-01.pdf) - Shandong Province IBNET Urban Water Assessment
(See attached file: Final Shangdong IBNET Report 230407.2.pdf) - Baker, Judy. Evaluating the Impact of Development Projects on Poverty: A Handbook for Practitioners. Directions in Development, World Bank, Washington DC, 2000.
- Donnelly, Janet (editor). Who are the Question-makers? A Participatory Evaluation Handbook. Office of Evaluation and Strategic Planning, UNDP, New York, 1997.
- Hatry, Harry P. Performance Measurement: Getting Results. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press, 1999
- Khan, M. Adil . A Guidebook on Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation: Key Concepts, Issues and Applications. Monitoring and Progress Review Division, Ministry of Plan Implementation, Government of Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2001
- Kusek, J. Z. and R. C. Rist. Building a Performance-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System: The Challenges Facing Developing Countries. Evaluation Journal of Australasia. 1(2): 14–23, 2001.
- Kusek, Jody Zall and Ray C. Rist. Ten Steps to a Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation System. The World Bank, Washington, D.C, 2004
- Prennushi, G., G. Rubio, and K. Subbarao. Monitoring and Evaluation. In Sourcebook for Poverty Reduction Strategies . Washington, D.C. The World Bank, 2000.
- Ravallion, Martin. The Mystery of the Vanishing Benefits: Ms. Speedy Analyst’s Introduction to Evaluation. Policy Research Working Paper 2153, World Bank, Development Economics Research Group, Washington, D.C., 1999.
- United Nations Development Programme, Handbook on monitoring and evaluating on results. Office of Evaluations and Strategic Planning. New York, 2002.
Worthen, Blaine R., James R. Sanders, and Jody Fitzpatrick. Program Evaluation: Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines, 2nd Edition, White Plains, NY, 1997.
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- Kristof De Witte, Rui C. Marques, Designing incentives in local public utilities, an international comparison of the drinking water sector