General Information

No Data Item Comment Unit
5 GNI per capita (Atlas) Annual GNI per capita (Atlas method) for country for the year to which the data apply. US $
(Source: World Bank GNI & exchange rate.xls file provided with this Toolkit)
5a GNI per capita (PPP) Annual GNI per capita (PPP method) for country for the year to which the data apply. US $
(Source: World Bank GNI & exchange rate.xls file provided with this Toolkit)
6 Exchange Rate Annual average exchange rate to the US dollar for the year to which the data apply. Ratio
(Source: World Bank GNI & exchange rate.xls file provided with this Toolkit).
6a PPP Conversion Factor Converts the official exchange rate to a purchasing power equivalence Ratio
(Source: World Bank GNI & exchange rate.xls file provided with this Toolkit).
9 Month in which fiscal year starts 1 = January, 2 = February, 3 = March, 4 = April, etc. 1 to 12
*   Required Indicator


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