Tariff Information

No Data Item Comment Unit
146 Fixed charge per month for W&WW services for residential customers The fixed component of the bill (if any) for the provision of water and wastewater services.
Indicate no fixed charge with a Zero
146a Fixed charge per month for W services for residential customers Split of (146) Fixed Charge per Month into water and wastewater LC/month
146b Fixed charge per month for WW services residential customers
147 Connection charges – Water Lump sum cost for residential water connection LC
148 Connection charges – Sewerage Lump sum cost for residential sewerage connection LC
C1 Does the utility offer more than one level of service for household or shared water supplies (excluding free standpipes)? Yes/No Text
C2 Does the utility offer more than one level of sanitation or sewerage service/ technology for households (excluding free public toilets)? Yes/No Text
C3 Does the utility offer a flexible/ amortized repayment option to spread the costs of connection to the water and/or sanitation network? Yes/No Text
C4 What would be the monthly water bill for a household consuming 6m3 of water per month through a household or shared yard tap (but excluding the use of standposts)? Monthly water bill for a household consuming 6m3 of water per month through a household or shared yard tap LC
*   Required Indicator


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