Utility Information

No Data Item Comment Unit
1a Utility name 1 Full name of utility. Please provide: Text
Long name – up to 50 characters
Short name – up to 20 characters
2a Country 1 State country in which utility located Text
2b Region 1 State region within country Text
2c City 1 State city or town on which utility services are centered Text
2d Node 1 State node in which utility services are located Text
3 Extent of private sector involvement A – none; Text
B – service contract(s);
C – management contract(s);
D1 – affermage;
D2 – lease contract(s);
E – concession contract(s);
F – build, (own,) operate & transfer contract(s);
G – fully private asset ownership and operation (Choose up to 3)
3a Type of service provider A. Local or National Government Water Department – Not ring fenced; (ie finances for water/wastewater function are not reported separately from other government activities) Text
B. Local or National Government Water Department – Ring fenced; (ie finances for water/wastewater function are reported separately from other government activities)
C. Statutory body
D. Local or National Government wholly owned provider operating under commercial law
E. Jointly (Government and Private) owned provider operating under commercial law
F. Privately owned provider operating under commercial law
G. Not for profit provider operating under commercial law
32a Type of services provided: Text
Provides water service? Yes/No
Provides sewerage service? Yes/No
Provides other services? Yes/No
32b Nature of service area 1 = urban, 1,2,3
2 = rural,
3 = urban and rural
P1 What best describes the utility’s planning process? A = setting budgets for the next year, Text
B = a multi-year plan that identifies targets and resources for change and improvement,
C = other (please enter description)
R1 Who has general oversight of the utility’s services and prices? A = local, regional or national government department, Text
B = independent board of stakeholders,
C = independent service and price regulator,
D = other (please enter description)


Contact Information
1b Contact Name, Full contact details to allow communication with the node manager and peer utilities Text
Tel. #,
Fax #,
* Required Indicator

1 For Information Only

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