Water Service

No Data Item Comment Unit
40 Population served Population under responsibility of the utility with access to water through house connections, yard taps and public water points (either with direct service connection or within 200m of a standpost). ‘000 inhabitants
Any population outside the utility’s area of responsibility who are served (e.g. people who come from outside to the Utility’s water points) should be excluded.
40a Population served – direct supply & shared taps Population under responsibility of the utility with access to water through house connections and shared yard taps (where 2 or more houses share a private yard with a tap).
Population under responsibility of the utility with access to water through public water points.
‘000 inhabitants
40b Population served – public water points
41 Number of water connections Number of active water connections at year-end. ‘000
All active connections should be counted – residential, non-residential etc – but inactive connections to vacant buildings should be excluded.
53 Number of water connections with an operating meter Total number of water connections with operating meter at year end ‘000
54 Length of water distribution network Total length of the distribution network (excluding transmission lines and service pipes) Km
55 Volume of water produced Total volume of water produced for the service area, i.e. leaving treatment works operated by the Utility and purchased treated water, if any. Million m3/year

Water service (2)

No Data Item Comment Unit
58 Volume of water consumed metered Total volume of water billed that is metered, irrespective of whether the bill is paid or not. Million m3/year
59 Volume of water sold Total volume of water billed (metered and unmetered) irrespective of whether the bill is paid or not. Clearly any unmetered volume must be estimated from other information about the water users. Million m3/year
59a Total volume of water sold to residential customers Total volume of water billed to residential customers, split into direct supplies and public water points. The split is the same as for 40 above. Million m3/year
59a1 Volume of water sold to residential customers through direct supplies (defined as house connections and shared yard taps)
59a2 Volume of water sold to residential customers through public water points
59b Number of water connections with an operating meter Total number of water connections with operating meter at year end ‘000
59c Total volume of water billed to institutions and others
59d Total volume of water sold treated in bulk

Water service (3)

No Data Item Comment Unit
60 Number of Pipe Breaks Total number of water pipe breaks in the distribution network during the year.
Failures that require repair of mains, connections, valves and fittings that are the Utility’s responsibility, are included. Repairs from active leakage control are excluded.
61 Duration of supply Average hours of service /day. This indicator measures intermittent supply systems; interruptions due to unplanned failures or rehabilitation work should be excluded. Hrs/day
61a Number of customers receiving an intermittent supply Percentage of residential customers who do not normally receive a 24 hours per day supply. %
63 Required number of tests of treated water for residual chlorine The number of samples of potable water that are required by law/regulation to be taken from the distribution system to be tested for residual chlorine #/year
64 Number of tests of treated water for residual chlorine carried out The number of samples of potable water actually taken from the distribution system , that have been tested for residual chlorine #/year
65 Number of tests of treated water for residual chlorine that passed the relevant standard The number of samples of potable water taken from the distribution system, that have been tested for residual chlorine and comply with the standard #/year
Required Indicator


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