19.1 | Total revenues per service pop/GNI | Total annual operating revenues per population served/National GNI per capita; expressed in percentage | % GNI per capita |
19.2 | Annual water bill for a household consuming 6m3 of water per month through a household or shared yard tap (but excluding the use of standposts)? | Cost in local currency to a household per month of 6m3 water / Exchange rate with US$ * 12 | US$/year |
20.1 | Residential fixed component of tariff | Cash income / Debt service * 100 | US$/conn./yr. |
20.3 | Residential fixed component of tariff – water | Any fixed component of the residential tariff (total amount). Water & wastewater together, and separated if possible. |
20.4 | Residential fixed component of tariff – wastewater | ||
20.2 | Residential fixed component of tariff | Any fixed component of the residential tariff as a proportion of the average tariff per connection per year. | % of average bill |
20.5 | Residential fixed component of tariff – water | Water & wastewater together, and separated if possible. | |
20.6 | Residential fixed component of tariff – wastewater |
* | Required Indicator |
Average tariffs need to be put in the perspective of affordability. Household income data, however, is not easy to obtain. The indicator selected here, therefore, compares average per capita tariffs as a proportion of per capita GNI. The GNI (Atlas method based) will be for the whole country, and not reflect local variations, but is the most appropriate consistent measure currently available for most countries. In case specific household data is available, this data could be commented upon separately.
Some utilities use fixed charge components within the residential tariff (i.e. irrespective of the amount of water consumed). Such tariffs can adversely affect low volume water consumers. They also protect the revenue stream to the utility in periods when consumption is highly variable. Comparison of the fixed component with the average tariff will give an indication of the relative weight of the fixed and variable component of a water bill.
There may be a cross subsidy between industrial consumers and residential consumers. The ratio of the average charges (per m3) to industrial and residential customers provides some quantification of this subsidy. Subsidies are complex and this ratio provides only a simplistic assessment of the situation in any utility.
For many, the cost of connecting to the piped network can be a significant financial hurdle. Comparing connection charges will provide insights into the level to which this hurdle has been raised. It is a particular issue when seeking to connect poorer sections of the community. The indicator provides the absolute level and as a proportion of national GNI per capita.