Billings & Collection

18.1 Average Revenue W&WW Total annual W&WW operating revenues expressed by annual amount of water sold and by the number of connections. US$/m3 water sold
18.2 Average Revenue W&WW US$/W conn./yr.
18.3 Average Revenue – water only Operating revenues (W only) expressed by annual amount of water sold. US$/m3 water sold.
18.4 Revenue Split – % water Percentage split of total revenue into water and wastewater % of total for W&WW
18.5 Revenue Split – % wastewater
18.6 Water revenue – residential Percentage split of water revenue by customer type % of total water revenue
18.7 Water revenue – industrial/commercial
18.8 Water revenue – institutions & others
18.9 Water revenue – bulk treated supply
18.10 Wastewater revenue per person served Operating revenues (WW only) expressed per person served US$/person served
20.2 Residential fixed component of tariff Any fixed component of the residential tariff as a proportion of the average tariff per connection per year.
Water & wastewater together, and separated if possible.
% of average bill
20.5 Residential fixed component of tariff – water
20.6 Residential fixed component of tariff – wastewater
21.1 Ratio of industrial to residential tariff The average charge (per m3) to industrial customers compared against the average charge (per m3) to residential customers.
Water & wastewater together, and separated if possible.
21.2 Ratio of industrial to residential tariff – water
21.3 Ratio of industrial to residential tariff – wastewater
23.1 Collection Period (Year-end accounts receivable/Total annual operating revenues) * 365 Days
23.2 Collection ratio Cash income / Billed revenue as a % Cash income / Billed revenue as a %
* Required Indicator


Billing customers, and getting paid are two different things. The effectiveness of the collections process is measured by the amount of outstanding revenues at year end compared to the total billed revenue for the year, in day equivalents, and by the total amount collected as a percentage of the billed amount.

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