Quality of Service

15.1 Continuity of Service Average hours of service per day for water supply. Hrs/day
15.2 Customers with discontinuous supply The percentage of customers with a water supply that is discontinuous during normal operation. %
15.3 Quality of water supplied: nr of tests for residual chlorine The number of tests carried out on samples taken from the distribution system, as a % of the number required by the standard that applies. This may exceed 100%.

NB: Operational samples, or any others that were not taken to check compliance with the standard, are excluded.

% of # required
15.4 Quality of water supplied: samples passing on residual chlorine The percentage of samples tested for residual chlorine that pass the relevant standard %
16.1 Complaints about W&WW services Total number of W&WW complaints per year expressed as a percentage of the total number of W&WW connections % of W&WW conn
17.1 Wastewater – at least primary treatment Proportion of collected sewage that receives at least primary treatment, i.e. involving settlement with the intention of removing solids, but not biological treatment. Both lagoon and mechanical treatment can be included, where appropriate. %
17.2 Wastewater primary treatment only Proportion of collected sewage that receives primary treatment only, i.e. involving settlement with the intention of removing solids, but not biological treatment. Both lagoon and mechanical treatment can be included, where appropriate. %
17.3 Wastewater secondary treatment or better Proportion of collected sewage that receives at least secondary treatment, i.e. removing oxygen demand as well as solids, normally biological. Both lagoon and mechanical treatment can be included, where appropriate. %
*   Required Indicator


Historically there has been limited attention paid to measures that capture the quality of service provided to customers. This, in fact, should be a particular focus of performance measurement.

The measures presented above are a limited first step in the process of capturing information on quality of service. Complaints, while relatively easy to track, give only a glimpse of actual company performance – consumers may have become accustomed to poor service and not complain. In other instances it may be difficult for customers to report complaints. Capturing at least some customer derived data, however, is considered to be an important starting point.

Collection of wastewater does not mean that the waste is fully treated before discharge back to the environment. The wastewater treatment indicators will provide an understanding of the amount of effluent that is treated before being discharged.

A more comprehensive set of quality of service indicators could be developed but the likelihood of the data being collected by utility managers is limited in the short term. Expansion of the set is therefore a medium to long term objective.

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