Service Coverage

1.1 Water Coverage Population with access to water services (either with direct service connection or within reach of a public water point) as a percentage of the /total population under utility’s nominal responsibility %
1.2 Water Coverage – Household Connections Sub-set of 1.1 %
1.3 Water Coverage – Public Water Points Sub-set of 1.1 %
2.1 Sewerage Coverage Population with sewerage services (direct service connection)as a percentage of the total population under utility’s notional responsibility %
*   Required Indicator


Coverage is a key development indicator. All coverage indicators are impacted by whether the data on population and household size is up to date and accurate. The need to estimate the population served by public water points and/or the number of households per connection may affect the confidence that can be placed in the water coverage measure.

Utilities are encouraged to provide a description what implicit assumptions are underlying their water and sewerage coverage estimates, including the number of people using public water points and household connections.

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